“My story starts at sea, a perilous voyage to an unknown land. A shipwreck. The wild waters roar and heave. The brave vessel is dashed all to pieces. And all the helpless souls within her drowned. All save one. A lady. Whose soul is greater than the ocean, and her spirit stronger than the sea’s embrace. Not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story. For she will be my heroine for all time. And her name will be Viola.” – Shakespeare in Love
William Shakespeare, one of the greatest dramatists to have ever lived, found inspiration for most of his famous works from the Greek Mythology. The poet Ovid was Shakespeare’s often used source of information when it came to mythological references, with Ovid’s epic poem Metamorphoses being a pool of knowledge that he would frequently dip into. Amongst Shakespeare’s most recognised female characters is Viola, the main protagonist from the celebrated play Twelfth Night. In the play, she finds herself shipwrecked in an unknown part in the world leading her to take adventurous measures to ensure her survival and continued pursuit for love.
This oeuvre is in tribute to Viola’s adventurous spirit, gallant bravery and unabashed feminism. The galleon that is colourfully portrayed on the canvas is Viola’s essence personified. It braves the roaring waters of uncertainty and peril, with its mast up high and sails proudly billowing in the wind. Viola inspires us to face our fears head on and to realize that no matter what the waves throw our way, we will survive.
“My story starts at sea, a perilous voyage to an unknown land. A shipwreck. The wild waters roar and heave. The brave vessel is dashed all to pieces. And all the helpless souls within her drowned. All save one. A lady. Whose soul is greater than the ocean, and her spirit stronger than the sea’s embrace. Not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story. For she will be my heroine for all time. And her name will be Viola.” – Shakespeare in Love
William Shakespeare, one of the greatest dramatists to have ever lived, found inspiration for most of his famous works from the Greek Mythology. The poet Ovid was Shakespeare’s often used source of information when it came to mythological references, with Ovid’s epic poem Metamorphoses being a pool of knowledge that he would frequently dip into. Amongst Shakespeare’s most recognised female characters is Viola, the main protagonist from the celebrated play Twelfth Night. In the play, she finds herself shipwrecked in an unknown part in the world leading her to take adventurous measures to ensure her survival and continued pursuit for love.
This oeuvre is in tribute to Viola’s adventurous spirit, gallant bravery and unabashed feminism. The galleon that is colourfully portrayed on the canvas is Viola’s essence personified. It braves the roaring waters of uncertainty and peril, with its mast up high and sails proudly billowing in the wind. Viola inspires us to face our fears head on and to realize that no matter what the waves throw our way, we will survive.