The Nautilus Cup
The Nautilus Cup is a prized and historical ornament which is made from the shell of the Chambered Nautilus that is encased and mounted in gold and silver. The cup gets its unique shine by stripping the shell of its outer layer to reveal the nacreous surface underneath. In the case of this painting, the shell’s trademark shine is replaced by a vibrant mix of colors and patterns.
Symbolically, the Nautilus shell is of great significance as it has come to represent order amongst chaos, with the internal harmony found within the chambers of the shell being unaffected by the disorder outside. With its inner chambers forming a precise spiral-like design as the Nautilus lives and grows, the shell becomes a metaphor of the stages each individual pass through life. The shell is also a symbol of the perfection and beauty that Mother Nature can produce, as its design naturally conforms to the Golden Ratio emanating creation, fluidity and evolution.
In this canvas artwork, the Nautilus Cup is on a pedestal for the viewer to admire its perfection and to take a moment to ponder over its significance. As our eyes traverse over its perfect curves and spirals, we are left wondering about our own spiritual evolution and whether we have finally grown into the shells that we have been given.
The Nautilus Cup
The Nautilus Cup is a prized and historical ornament which is made from the shell of the Chambered Nautilus that is encased and mounted in gold and silver. The cup gets its unique shine by stripping the shell of its outer layer to reveal the nacreous surface underneath. In the case of this painting, the shell’s trademark shine is replaced by a vibrant mix of colors and patterns.
Symbolically, the Nautilus shell is of great significance as it has come to represent order amongst chaos, with the internal harmony found within the chambers of the shell being unaffected by the disorder outside. With its inner chambers forming a precise spiral-like design as the Nautilus lives and grows, the shell becomes a metaphor of the stages each individual pass through life. The shell is also a symbol of the perfection and beauty that Mother Nature can produce, as its design naturally conforms to the Golden Ratio emanating creation, fluidity and evolution.
In this oeuvre, the Nautilus Cup is on a pedestal for the viewer to admire its perfection and to take a moment to ponder over its significance. As our eyes traverse over its perfect curves and spirals, we are left wondering about our own spiritual evolution and whether we have finally grown into the shells that we have been given.