Sands of Time
The hourglass has been a recurring symbol in art and culture from numerous civilizations. It is a universal motif that has stood the test of time with it being present in every artistic depiction of Chronos, the personification of time in Greek philosophy, to modern day pop-culture. With its origins being unclear, the aesthetically pleasing design of the hourglass has helped in keeping it alive, even though the mechanical clock has replaced its practical purpose and use.
In this acrylic art, the hourglass is seen covered in an enigmatic pattern of floral colors, while golden grains of sand are encased inside it. The hourglass is posed in such a way that one is reminded of its cosmic significance, its alluring ability to capture time and break it down to tiny grains of sand. With time being represented with golden sand, we are reminded of its incredible value and how fleeting it really is. With our perspective being drawn to the center of the hourglass and the canvas itself, we can see the present that is caught in the middle of the time past and the future that is yet to be. This perspective can be a reminder of the importance of living in the moment and the eternal fact that time always runs out. We are left wondering: are we making the most out of our grains of sand?
Sands Of Time
The hourglass has been a recurring symbol in art and culture from numerous civilizations. It is a universal motif that has stood the test of time with it being present in every artistic depiction of Chronos, the personification of time in Greek philosophy, to modern day pop-culture. With its origins being unclear, the aesthetically pleasing design of the hourglass has helped in keeping it alive, even though the mechanical clock has replaced its practical purpose and use.
In this oeuvre, the hourglass is seen covered in an enigmatic pattern of floral colors, while golden grains of sand are encased inside it. The hourglass is posed in such a way that one is reminded of its cosmic significance, its alluring ability to capture time and break it down to tiny grains of sand. With time being represented with golden sand, we are reminded of its incredible value and how fleeting it really is. With our perspective being drawn to the center of the hourglass and the canvas itself, we can see the present that is caught in the middle of the time past and the future that is yet to be. This perspective can be a reminder of the importance of living in the moment and the eternal fact that time always runs out. We are left wondering: are we making the most out of our grains of sand?