Nighttime Escape
Nighttime Escape is a wall art piece that was inspired by an actual octopus’ escape into the night from its enclosure that caught the world’s attention. If one notices closely, Pandora’s box makes a reappearance as the vessel from which the octopus is trying to escape from. The octopus is a highly intelligent creature capable of making incredibly intelligent moves to ensure its survival.
With a dead fish and dreary pomegranates in the forefront as a contrast to the octopus’ escape for freedom, we are left wondering the importance of all the choices we have made in our life. Where did these choices take us and why did we make them in the first place. Most importantly, if we end up in an enclosure, what choice will we make? The fish or the octopus?
Nighttime Escape
Nighttime Escape is a piece that was inspired by an actual octopus’ escape into the night from its enclosure that caught the world’s attention. If one notices closely, Pandora’s box makes a reappearance as the vessel from which the octopus is trying to escape from. The octopus is a highly intelligent creature capable of making incredibly intelligent moves to ensure its survival.
With a dead fish and dreary pomegranates in the forefront as a contrast to the octopus’ escape for freedom, we are left wondering the importance of all the choices we have made in our life. Where did these choices take us and why did we make them in the first place. Most importantly, if we end up in an enclosure, what choice will we make? The fish or the octopus?