My online journal

Scams that artists need to watch out for
As artists, competing and making a living in the art market can be quite a challenge. Historically and traditionally, the art world has been quite informal when it came to concerns of money being exchanged between parties. This was largely due to the fact that back then they were few

Selling your artwork on Opensea, the ultimate NFT marketplace
With NFTs taking the art market and the world by storm, artists have finally been given an opportunity to capitalize from their work in the digital realm. Since the pandemic hit, the traditional outlets for selling art such as galleries, studios and exhibitions were hindered in their operations as the

From the Past to the Future: The Story of NFTs
With NFTs successfully taking over the digital art market of the 2020s and penetrating the pop culture universe, some would assume that NFTs were created just a year or two ago. Well, the reality is the modern version of NFTs as we know it has been in the making since

Kristel Bechara
Award-winning contemporary artist best known for her dynamic patterns and expressive colours. Her artwork demonstrates the revolutionary creation of photographic imagery with oil, acrylic and giclée printmaking mediums to depict emotion.