My online journal

Interesting Stories behind Famous Masterpieces
Famous artistic masterpieces have been a part of our cultural fabric for centuries and they have contributed considerably to the culture itself. We see them referenced in our media and often find ourselves being reflected in these artworks. These masterpieces have stories to tell and not just the story on

Finding balance between Art & Life
As an artist, the experience of creatively expressing yourself for a living is incredibly rewarding but requires a high degree of commitment and focus. This can be quite draining and before you know it, you have burnt yourself out and cannot look at a blank page or canvas without having

The Relationship between Art and Politics
Art is an incredibly multi-faceted tool that has been used in a myriad of ways since the beginning of human civilization. In my blogs, I have talked about art’s therapeutic connection to mental health, community building and even as a career pathway. However, I have not yet discussed art and

Kristel Bechara
Award-winning contemporary artist best known for her dynamic patterns and expressive colours. Her artwork demonstrates the revolutionary creation of photographic imagery with oil, acrylic and giclée printmaking mediums to depict emotion.