My online journal

Here are some marketing tips from Kristel Bechara, canvas and NFT artist, that you can take to get the word out about your business.Read more!
Kristel Bechara

Marketing 101 for Artists

It’s all about marketing nowadays, isn’t it? We discussed extensively about personal branding in the blog last week and how it can be crucial for an art business and the legacy of the artist behind it. With the positive response to that blog, I thought why not take a deeper

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Kristel Bechara writes this blog to highlight some of the things that have helped her create her personal brand over the years. Read here!
Kristel Bechara

How to Build an Authentic Personal Brand?

With social media being all the rage nowadays, we have all become acutely aware of “personal branding” and how that can be a valuable asset for any business venture that you might decide to go on in the future. Personally, when I started out with my art business it took

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Kristel Bechara writes a definitive blog on 5 must see movies based on great artists throughout history. Read more here!
Kristel Bechara

5 must-see movies on Great Artists

If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you would know how much I love watching movies or documentaries on artists and their body of work. Cinema is an incredible medium that is able to combine the nuances of storytelling with the aesthetic beauty of visual art. Films are

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Picture of Kristel Bechara

Kristel Bechara

Award-winning contemporary artist best known for her dynamic patterns and expressive colours. Her artwork demonstrates the revolutionary creation of photographic imagery with oil, acrylic and giclée printmaking mediums to depict emotion.

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