
Digital Artwork Sold as NFT - 3070x4000 PX / 150 DPI

Tokenomics is derived from combining the words, token and economics. This popular industry term has established itself as the collection of metrics determining the quality of the asset. It is also used by the crypto community to examin the complex relationship between the demand and supply of a cryptocurrency and all the various factors that affect them. With the crypto market growing rapidly and now entering its adolescent stage, the economics of trading in digital assets may become more complex overtime and understanding the Tokenomics of an asset, crypto traders are attempting to avoid being blindsided by any sudden changes in the value of their assets.


In this artwork, we see the crypto holder wearing a futuristic looking smart specs that are covered in reflection of distorted and vibrant patterns depicting her POV. Unable to see her eyes, we are unaware of what she is thinking or feeling or the secrets that she holds. She represents the unpredictable nature of trading in crypto assets, as one cannot confidently foresee the future regardless of how much one tries to grasp the complexities of Tokenomics and how bright and colourful the future of the crypto industry is looking. As we are captivated by this beautiful woman’s inscrutable demeanour, we are left pondering what is it that we conceal from ourselves and why are we consumed by how the future might unfold…


Digital Artwork Sold as NFT - 3070x4000 PX / 150 DPI

Tokenomics is derived from combining the words, token and economics. This popular industry term has established itself as the collection of metrics determining the quality of the asset. It is also used by the crypto community to examin the complex relationship between the demand and supply of a cryptocurrency and all the various factors that affect them. With the crypto market growing rapidly and now entering its adolescent stage, the economics of trading in digital assets may become more complex overtime and understanding the Tokenomics of an asset, crypto traders are attempting to avoid being blindsided by any sudden changes in the value of their assets.


In this artwork, we see the crypto holder wearing a futuristic looking smart specs that are covered in reflection of distorted and vibrant patterns depicting her POV. Unable to see her eyes, we are unaware of what she is thinking or feeling or the secrets that she holds. She represents the unpredictable nature of trading in crypto assets, as one cannot confidently foresee the future regardless of how much one tries to grasp the complexities of Tokenomics and how bright and colourful the future of the crypto industry is looking. As we are captivated by this beautiful woman’s inscrutable demeanour, we are left pondering what is it that we conceal from ourselves and why are we consumed by how the future might unfold…