The Contemplative Voyageur

Digital Artwork Sold as NFT - 3200x4000 PX / 150 DPI

Invigorated from her voyage and standing on the precipice of a city unknown, the Voyageur finds herself in deep thought. The breeze from the sea plays with her robes as if beckoning her to come forward and see what lies ahead. The sky shifts in shades and colours populated by mysterious planets that are midway through their orbits. The Voyageur is unmoved by this cosmic spectacle. In her thoughts, she is already planning her course up ahead as no mountain, sea or sky can possibly slow her down.

With the Voyageur being the focal point of this NFT digital art, the viewer cannot help but feel captivated by her unmoving presence. Her contemplative demeanour, the firmly held staff and the billowing robes are elements that invigorate one’s spirit of adventure and curiosity about what lies out there.

Beauty in Diversity and DeFi!

The Contemplative Voyageur

Digital Artwork Sold as NFT - 3200x4000 PX / 150 DPI

Invigorated from her voyage and standing on the precipice of a city unknown, the Voyageur finds herself in deep thought. The breeze from the sea plays with her robes as if beckoning her to come forward and see what lies ahead. The sky shifts in shades and colours populated by mysterious planets that are midway through their orbits. The Voyageur is unmoved by this cosmic spectacle. In her thoughts, she is already planning her course up ahead as no mountain, sea or sky can possibly slow her down.


With the Voyageur being the focal point of this artwork, the viewer cannot help but feel captivated by her unmoving presence. Her contemplative demeanour, the firmly held staff and the billowing robes are elements that invigorate one’s spirit of adventure and curiosity about what lies out there.


Beauty in Diversity and DeFi!