Skies of Fuchsia

Digital Artwork Sold as NFT - 3543x2658px / 150 DPI

It is all in the perspective. In this digital artwork sold as NFT, the viewer is given a perspective that pays homage to various elements of architecture. One can perceive this piece to be a view from the inside of a tunnel, which ends in a beaming sky filled with varying shades of fuchsia and crypto-shaped cosmic figures. It can also be an artwork that presents the perspective of a transparent ceiling dome, when viewed from the inside of a structure that it lays on top of, giving a view of the skies above.

The central focal point of this oeuvre is the constellation of the crypto logos that convey a sense of weightlessness and freedom, as they float beyond our reach. The view is framed with ridges coated in patterns of bright colourful swirls which seem to be confining and in stark contrast with the view itself. We are confronted with a visual conflict where confinement clashes with the expanse, the outer battling the inner. The only certainty we have, when we find ourselves in front of this digital artwork, is our perspective and what we make of it.

The Titanium Edition

Skies of Fuchsia

Digital Artwork Sold as NFT - 3543x2658px / 150 DPI

It is all in the perspective. In this artwork, the viewer is given a perspective that pays homage to various elements of architecture. One can perceive this piece to be a view from the inside of a tunnel, which ends in a beaming sky filled with varying shades of fuchsia and crypto-shaped cosmic figures. It can also be an artwork that presents the perspective of a transparent ceiling dome, when viewed from the inside of a structure that it lays on top of, giving a view of the skies above.

The central focal point of this oeuvre is the constellation of the crypto logos that convey a sense of weightlessness and freedom, as they float beyond our reach. The view is framed with ridges coated in patterns of bright colourful swirls which seem to be confining and in stark contrast with the view itself. We are confronted with a visual conflict where confinement clashes with the expanse, the outer battling the inner. The only certainty we have, when we find ourselves in front of this artwork, is our perspective and what we make of it.

The Titanium Edition