Byzantine General’s Shield
Digital Artwork Sold as NFT - 1000X1463 PX / 150 DPI
During its time, the Byzantine empire was considered to be the most powerful civilization in the world. The empire’s army was crucial in its vast expansion as it carried out numerous successful campaigns led by exceptional generals, who were masters of strategies and tactics. A recognizable element of their uniform was the kite shaped shield that they carried with them, symbolizing strength and perseverance.
In this artwork, we see this iconic shield covered in intricate patterns with logos of numerous cryptocurrencies swirling within. With the advent of blockchain technology and subsequently Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFTs and other digital currencies, the economy and the digital world is headed towards being revolutionized. The security and stability of this technology has finally provided a reliable digital alternative to the conventional currency we have been using for centuries. As these cryptocurrencies decentralize financial norms and champion peer-to-peer transactions, they might soon be more preferable than paper money.
This oeuvre merges the symbolism of two different time periods, the medieval meets the digital future. Just as the Byzantine generals carried their shields into battle, cryptocurrencies are challenging our socio-economic conventions and the limited notions of what is possible online. This shield serves as a motif of the promising possibilities that cryptocurrencies hold for us and the future at large.
Byzantine General’s Shield
Digital Artwork Sold as NFT - 1000X1463 PX / 150 DPI
During its time, the Byzantine empire was considered to be the most powerful civilization in the world. The empire’s army was crucial in its vast expansion as it carried out numerous successful campaigns led by exceptional generals, who were masters of strategies and tactics. A recognizable element of their uniform was the kite shaped shield that they carried with them, symbolizing strength and perseverance.
In this artwork, we see this iconic shield covered in intricate patterns with logos of numerous cryptocurrencies swirling within. With the advent of blockchain technology and subsequently Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFTs and other digital currencies, the economy and the digital world is headed towards being revolutionized. The security and stability of this technology has finally provided a reliable digital alternative to the conventional currency we have been using for centuries. As these cryptocurrencies decentralize financial norms and champion peer-to-peer transactions, they might soon be more preferable than paper money.
This oeuvre merges the symbolism of two different time periods, the medieval meets the digital future. Just as the Byzantine generals carried their shields into battle, cryptocurrencies are challenging our socio-economic conventions and the limited notions of what is possible online. This shield serves as a motif of the promising possibilities that cryptocurrencies hold for us and the future at large.