Butterfly Painting
In this oeuvre, we find ourselves staring at a butterfly painting inside a glass dome. Unlike what bell jar taxidermy usually entails, the butterfly painting inside the dome is very much alive and aware of its predicament. Meant to be free, the butterfly is restless within the confines of its glassed cage and the only thing to escape are the echoes of the desperate fluttering of its wings. These wings are the sole source of color in this butterfly painting, with the blend of patterns and shades being accentuated by the darkness that engulfs the glass dome.
The fluttering echoes of the butterfly’s wings imitate the whisperings of our inner thoughts that are burrowed deep into the recesses of our mind. These thoughts that contain our truest of emotions and opinions which we conceal to avoid the vulnerability of being our authentic selves. We, just like this butterfly, seek refuge inside glass domes to save ourselves from the challenges of being authentic and living a life of purpose and freedom. Our glass domes offer us safety and comfort, but the echoes of our fluttering wings call for us to explore what lies outside. For it is only when we dare to venture outside, we discover who we are within.
In this oeuvre, we find ourselves staring at a butterfly inside a glass dome. Unlike what bell jar taxidermy usually entails, the butterfly inside the dome is very much alive and aware of its predicament. Meant to be free, the butterfly is restless within the confines of its glassed cage and the only thing to escape are the echoes of the desperate fluttering of its wings. These wings are the sole source of color in this painting, with the blend of patterns and shades being accentuated by the darkness that engulfs the glass dome.
The fluttering echoes of the butterfly’s wings imitate the whisperings of our inner thoughts that are burrowed deep into the recesses of our mind. These thoughts that contain our truest of emotions and opinions which we conceal to avoid the vulnerability of being our authentic selves. We, just like this butterfly, seek refuge inside glass domes to save ourselves from the challenges of being authentic and living a life of purpose and freedom. Our glass domes offer us safety and comfort, but the echoes of our fluttering wings call for us to explore what lies outside. For it is only when we dare to venture outside, we discover who we are within.